Inclement Weather Guidelines for Off-site HWPS Courses

This HWPS guideline is intended to supplement the collegewide policy.

Students and faculty should adhere to the CNM Inclement Weather Closures and Abbreviated Schedules policy.

Offsite Courses (CNM faculty on-site / Direct Clinical)

  • In the case of a closure, students may be assigned an out-of-class assignment or a make-up day at the discretion of the clinical coordinator or instructor.
  • In the case of a delay due to weather, it is at the discretion of the program to determine whether to report for instruction at 10 a.m., in accordance with collegewide policies.
    • In some cases, programs may treat a two-hour delay as a closure (so as to not disrupt the operations of our off-site partners). In those cases, students may be assigned an out-of-class assignment or a make-up day at the discretion of the clinical coordinator or instructor.
  • For start times after 10 a.m., attend the course as scheduled.

Offsite Courses (CNM faculty not on-site / Precepted Clinical)

  • If a student is not en route to or already at the offsite location, then they should adhere to the policies and procedures for collegewide/campus-specific closure or delay due to weather.
  • If a student is already at the offsite location at the time of a CNM campus-specific closures or delays, they may complete their assignment as scheduled (at the discretion of the program). The student should communicate with the clinical coordinator or instructor for further information.
  • If a student is en route to an offsite location at the time of a CNM campus-specific closures or delays, the student must determine whether or not it is personally safe to continue travel to the assigned offsite location. The student should communicate with the clinical coordinator or instructor for further information as soon as it is safe to do so.
  • In the case of a delay due to weather, it is at the discretion of the program to determine whether to report to the offsite location at 10 a.m., in accordance with collegewide policies.
    • In some cases, programs may treat a two-hour delay as a closure (so as to not disrupt the operations of our offsite partners). In those cases, students may be assigned an out-of-class assignment or a make-up day at the discretion of the clinical coordinator or instructor.
  • For clinical start times after 10 a.m., attend the course as scheduled.

Offsite Communications

  • The clinical coordinator or instructor is responsible for ensuring communication occurs with our offsite partners in the event of a collegewide closure or delay due to weather.

Faculty Assignments (offsite courses cancelled due to two-hour delay)

  • For Offsite Courses (CNM faculty on-site / Direct Clinical) that are cancelled due to delay, faculty should report to their Program Director, Associate Dean, or Dean for assignment at 10 a.m. in accordance with the policies and procedures for collegewide delay due to weather. 
  • For Offsite Courses (CNM faculty not on-site / Precepted Clinical) that are cancelled due to delay and for which no assigned students are in attendance, faculty should communicate with their Program Director, Associate Dean, or Dean. Hours may be flexed at the discretion of the supervisor.