Strategic Direction Planning

Learn about CNM's Strategic Direction, including planning updates, teams, objectives, and strategies.

Creating Our Future Together

CNM is updating the Strategic Plan and Facilities Master Plan, and part of this update requires us to reevaluate our Mission, Vision, and Values for the future.

CNM held numerous public forums over several months to gather input on the Mission, Vision, and Values from community members, partners, students, faculty, and staff. The feedback supported keeping the Vision and Values the same, but slightly changing the Mission to better reflect CNM’s purpose.

CNM’s new Mission statement is “Creating futures for our learners and partners through leadership in education, training and innovation.”

The next phase of the Strategic Planning process begins in January 2024 and concludes in May 2024. The Strategic Plan will guide all of the College’s decisions through 2026.

CNM Governing Board Members
  • District 1: Charles Ofelt
  • District 2: James Chavez
  • District 3: Thomas Swisstack
  • District 4: Annette Chavez y De La Cruz
  • District 5: Nancy Baca
  • District 6: Virginia Trujillo
  • District 7: Robert Schoenfelder

Learn more about CNM's Governing Board members

2020-2024 Strategic Planning Initiatives 

Strategic Planning Resources

The 2020-2024 Strategic Plan and Key Performance Indicators have been approved by the planning committee as of August 19, 2019 and went before the Board on September 10, 2019.

These documents were created in the development of the 2020-2024 Strategic Direction.

Making Progress

CNM has remained focused on helping learners achieve their dreams while supporting our faculty, staff, and community with persisting through unprecedented times. 

The 2020-2024 Impact Report highlights CNM's collective impact over the last four years. Learn more about CNM's Strategic Plan accomplishments below. 

2020-2024 Impact Report

Strategic Objective Teams

Learn more about the teams who oversee student success, community success, and organizational excellence and innovation for the 2020-2024 Strategic Plan. Each team establishes objectives and employs a variety of strategies to meet these objectives. 

Teams, Objectives, and Strategies 

Student Success

Team 1: Student Experience | Objective: Deliver an exceptional student experience.


  • Improve student journey at each stage of enrollment and acceptance process
  • Increase student engagement
  • Streamline student admissions and application process
  • Improve student communications
  • Reform processes and implement CHESS' Student Information System

Team 2: Lead in Access, Retention, Graduation | Objective: Lead in access, retention, and graduation among all student populations.


  • Increase enrollment
  • Improve student persistence
  • Promote student belonging and success
  • Increase student transfers from CNM

Team 3: Innovative Approaches | Objective: Use innovative approaches and develop agile, continuous learners.


  • Implement the Block Plan: An alternative general education cohort model with one-course-at-a-time block schedule to improve student persistence and transfer
  • Develop data-informed tools for faculty to guide classroom instruction and interventions
  • Improve student learning by completing Assessment Academy
  • Focus on student success in transfer and workforce placement
  • Refresh programming to clarify pathways between non-credit and credit learning and improve student performance

Community Success

Team 1: Leaders and Workforce | Objective: Develop leaders and meet the education and workforce needs of New Mexico


  • Meet employer workforce needs through employer engagement plan
  • Provide workplace learning opportunities for CNM credit and non-credit students to meet workforce needs
  • Develop leaders through workplace skills development

Team 2: Public and Private Partnerships | Objective: Build public and private-sector partnerships that foster economic development opportunities.


  • Support current employers and recruit new employers to central New Mexico
  • Pursue strategic specific partnerships that better utilize and grow the College's and Ingenuity's assets
  • Establish strong communication tools and pathways to maximize connectivity to the most active industry partners

Organizational Excellence and Innovation

Team 1: Service Excellence/Operational Efficiency | Objective: Deliver service excellence and operational efficiency across the College.


  • Improve and streamline business processes and implement continuous quality improvement initiatives
    • Implement CHESS Enterprise Resources Planning System (2021-2023)
    • Implement Continuous Quality Improvements strategies related to HLC reaffirmation of accreditation
  • Apply project management principles to master plan and cross-divisional projects to align resources and ensure projects are on-time, on budget, and remain within scope
    • Build out EPMO Office
    • Develop tools (templates, reports, progress dashboards) based on best practices for portfolio management and project management
  • Improve internal communications
    • Ensure communications are accessible by all employees, delivered in a timely manner, and reflect change management principles involving collegewide projects, including ERP implementation.

Team 2: Employee Experience | Objective: Provide a welcoming, safe, and equitable employee experience.


  • Dedicate an Equity and Inclusion Office and collegewide structure that promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)
  • Develop DEI enrichment opportunities such as antiracism workshop and proactive public safety activities
  • Develop tools to assess CNM's improvement and effectiveness at implementing equitable and inclusive practices such as an equity scorecard
  • Implement strategies to attract and retain employees who are student-focused and committed to CNM's vision, mission, and values