IS-2050 Employee Retirement Plan (ERA) (Menu)
Human Resources
Release Date: 3/29/01
Revision 1: 4/26/02
Revision 2: 10/27/05
Revision 3: 8/xx/07
CNM Board Policy
1. Membership Eligibility
2. Contributions
3. Vesting
4. Effective Retirement Date
5. Retirement Eligibility
6. Deferred Retirement
7. Retirement Benefits
8. Reduction of Benefit
9. Benefit Payments
10. Contribution Withdrawals / Refunds
11. Restoration of Contributions
12. Service Credit
13. Cost of Living Adjustment
14. Options upon Retirement
15. Options before Retirement
16. Reciprocity ERA / PERA
17. Disability Benefits
18. Continuance of Disability Benefits
19. Re-employment of Retirees
20. Re-retirement after Re-employment
21. Taxes
22. Community Property Rights
23. Alternative Retirement Program
24. Definitions / Acronyms
New Mexico Educational Retirement Board (ERB) Form 42
Application for Retirement
Request for Refund and/or Roll-Over
New Mexico Educational Retirement Board Exemption Form
Support Materials:
Reference Materials:
Employee Handbook 6.05, Educational Retirement