IS-2506 Department Newsletters (Policy)
Release Date: 8/26/97
Revised: 05/14/24
The publishing of department newsletters is viewed as an important means of communication. Such publications serve to promote understanding, awareness and a sense of belonging in an institution the size of Central New Mexico Community College (CNM).
1. Guidelines for Newsletters
1.1 Department newsletters are publications, regularly distributed electronically or in print, containing updates and information on a specific topic or department specific news and are subject to CNM's Guides and Standards.
1.2 Department newsletters should be complementary to, rather than competitive with, News Link, the College's official newsletter for all staff members. News Link is the appropriate publication for release of news that affects all College employees or carries interest that crosses department lines.
1.3 In addition to serious department news, such publications also are the appropriate source for lighter news. For example, announcements of marriages, births and birthdays.
1.4 The department supervisory staff is responsible for newsletter content.
1.5 For AllCNM newsletters, the date of publication and name of the newsletter editor appear on each issue along with the official CNM logo.
1.6 Production schedule, design and editing decisions, and distribution are matters to be handled by the individual departments.
1.7 All publication costs are paid by the individual departments.
1.8 Newsletters should be sent to the Marketing and Communications Office for review prior to dissemination.
Support Materials
Reference Materials
Employee Handbook 11.01, College Publications