ECOS Members & Tasks

Responsibilities and tasks for the members of the Executive Council of Students (ECOS).

All Members

  • Participate actively with all ECOS activities, events, and meetings.
  • Serve on assigned CNM committees.
  • Attend at least 70% of ECOS meetings, activities, and assigned committees.

Position Responsibilities


President: Vacant

  • Facilitates Meetings.
  • Spokesperson for the Executive Council of Students
  • Attempts to meet regularly with CNM’s President to discuss initiatives and student issues.
  • Plans agenda for each meeting.
  • Meets prior to each scheduled Executive Council of Students meeting with advisor
Vice President

Vice President: Vacant

  • Facilitates meetings if the ECOS President is absent.
  • Succeeds ECOS president if necessary.
  • Collects reports from Satellite Campus Representatives (via e-mail)
  • Presents relevant information, changes, or events to the Council during regular meetings.
Outreach Officer

Outreach Officer: Vacant

  • Serves as a liaison to all students and campuses.
  • Attends Faculty Senate as needed to act as a student representative.
  • Supports communication between the Executive Council of Students and other groups and organizations.
Budget Officer

Budget Officer: Vacant

  • Maintains accounts and financial records for money appropriated for ECOS.
  • Prepares financial statements and makes them available for meetings.
  • Familiarizes themselves with purchasing processes and procedures to help ensure that appropriate processes are fallowed when purchases are made.
Administrative Officer

Administrative OfficerVacant

  • Records and distributes minutes for each meeting.
  • Maintains a record of activities and events held during the year.
  • Collects samples of documents, correspondence, etc. for the year.
  • Records attendance at all meetings and functions.
  • Produces a summary of attendance for each term.