Article 15: Seniority

Collective Bargaining Agreement for Part-Time Faculty


Seniority for the purpose of this Agreement shall be defined as the number of terms taught as a part-time faculty member at CNM since June 1, 1993.


Veteran Status - In accordance with 15.5 below, veteran status shall be attained for all part-time faculty who have taught six (6) complete terms since June 1, 1993.  Time spent substituting or engaged in presenting or instructing in a seminar shall not be counted toward seniority or veteran status.


Loss of Veteran Status - a veteran part-time faculty member shall lose veteran status whenever he/she has not taught a course in three consecutive terms. When the Dean or Designee determines that a part-time faculty member will not be rehired for three consecutive terms and shall be dropped from the hiring pool, the part-time faculty member will be notified in person or in writing that they will no longer be assigned courses. The part-time faculty member may request a meeting with the Dean or the Dean’s Designee, in accordance with the provisions of sub-article 16.2, and ask for a reason for their non-renewal.


Part of term courses shall count toward the attainment of veteran status as if a full term had been taught. Time spent substituting or engaged in presenting or instructing in a seminar shall not be counted toward seniority.


Veteran status will be determined at the beginning of each term for the purposes of course scheduling only. Only instructors who meet the conditions of veteran status on these dates shall have veteran status during the term of this Agreement.


Veteran part-time faculty (as defined in 15.2) who meet or exceed the goals of their program, and the Strategic Objectives outlined in Articles 18.6 and 18.7, as determined through the evaluation and classroom observation process, shall be given first consideration in course scheduling after full time faculty course assignments have been made but before other part-time faculty. Such consideration does not constitute a guarantee of any particular assignment. The final authority for assignments resides with the Dean or designee.


The final authority when assessing whether a part-time faculty member has met or exceeded the goals of their program and the strategic objectives outlined in Articles 18.6 and 18.7, resides with the Dean or designee. The provisions in Articles 5.4 and 5.6 also apply. This performance assessment is not grievable.


Giving consideration to evaluations, classroom observations, and goal accomplishment, does not negate the other considerations associated with faculty performance assessment related to course scheduling; which includes but is not limited to, a review and assessment of student evaluations, the number of student compliments or complaints, and compliance with administrative requirements.


The parties acknowledge that student enrollment in any given term will impact course scheduling.

The parties also recognize that student enrollment is the primary factor in determining course offerings in any term.

When the Division of Academic Affairs initiates the assignment process, Full-time Faculty shall be assigned five classes or the equivalent in those Academic Schools where full-time teaching loads are determined in a different manner.

After Full-time Faculty receive their assigned classes, Part-time Faculty shall be assigned classes.

After Part-time Faculty are offered requested course assignments, Full-time Faculty will be offered overloads.


Veteran status has no relationship to an employee’s rate of pay.


The College will continue the course scheduling pool program to manage part-time faculty course assignments for veteran faculty who are approved for inclusion in the program. The parties agree that the continuation of the course scheduling pool will be as a pilot program that will continue until the expiration date contained in the Terms of Agreement Article. Continuation of the program could be a subject of bargaining, if during the next negotiation cycle, either party submits a proposal to enable continuation. The program details will be managed outside the contract and maintained as a key process on the Academic Affairs website.

Priority scheduling for veteran part-time faculty shall be maintained in accordance with the previously established practice outlined in the program details. The parties acknowledge that to the maximum extent possible each school should evaluate the feasibility of participating in the course scheduling pool program.

The College, upon receipt of a request from the Union, will provide an annual pool summary report during August of each year. The parties will meet no less than once a year to discuss the status of the pool. Upon mutual agreement of the parties, the Union and the College may meet at additional times on an as needed basis. 


To improve communication and promote mutual understanding, the parties agree that procedures related to the course scheduling pool are an appropriate topic of discussion for the Faculty Management Committee. Union Representatives, on a case-by-case basis, may request administrators responsible for the implementation of the course scheduling pool, be invited to the Faculty Management Committee meetings consistent with Article 26.10.2 of this Agreement.


Provisions contained in the part-time faculty collective bargaining agreement that address substandard performance and class assignments still apply. Veteran part-time faculty in the course scheduling pool remain subject to termination at the will of the College and the not “for cause” standard shall apply. None of the assignments made in conjunction with the course scheduling pool program are grievable, nor is removal from the pool, which is at CNM’s discretion.