New Mexico Humanities Now

The New Mexico Humanities Now program supports students in the humanities make a smooth transition from CNM to the University of New Mexico.

CNM Contacts

For degree requirements:
LA School Advisor
(Position currently vacant)
(505) 224-3567

How Humanities Now Can Work for You:
Jennifer Castro Garcia
Transfer Content Specialist

UNM Contacts

Learn about transferring to UNM: 
 Future Transfer Student 

New Mexico Humanities Now

The New Mexico Humanities Now program helps students in the humanities make a smooth transition from CNM to the University of New Mexico. The program provides:

  • Accessible, knowledgeable, and experienced people to work with you toward a smooth transfer process from CNM to UNM

  • Personal Bridge Mentors to help you “learn the ropes” of being a student at UNM

  • Free admission to events regarding the Humanities and the transfer process

  • Opportunities to learn about and be involved with internships, faculty research, and Humanities career exploration

  • Exposure to well-known professionals in the Humanities

  • Chance to earn UNM credit through Summer Academy and be awarded a generous stipend

In addition, eligible students can apply for a two-week summer residency program, held on UNM campus, to earn six credits toward a UNM degree, a stipend, and mentoring for success as a UNM Lobo student.

Learn More About the Transfer Roadmaps

CNM/UNM Transfer Program Workshops

NM Humanities Now will offer mini-workshops with information and resources for CNM Humanities Students planning to transfer to UNM - English, History, Anthropology, Philosophy, Languages, American Studies, Chicana/o Studies, Native American Studies & Communication. For additional UNM Humanities majors, visit UNM's Humanities Transfer page.

UNM Summer Southwest Mellon Academy

The purpose of Summer Academy is to create a seamless transfer pathway for CNM students to UNM, where students develop critical thinking and research skills for academic success. Students can earn six credits toward a UNM degree, a stipend, and mentoring for success as a UNM Lobo student. Courses are Financial Aid eligible and can be transferred back to CNM to be counted towards your CNM program completion.

For more information contact Rebecca Martinez-Baca, Program Coordinator Chicana/Chicano Studies, or Annette Gonzales, Program Coordinator Chicana/Chicano Studies, Mellon NM Humanities Now! Program. 

About the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation endeavors to strengthen, promote, and, where necessary, defend the contributions of the humanities and the arts to human flourishing and to the well-being of diverse and democratic societies. To this end, the Foundation supports exemplary institutions of higher education and culture as they renew and provide access to an invaluable heritage of ambitious, path-breaking work.

CNM is proud to partner with UNM College of Arts and Sciences in this endeavor.

Image of the logo for The Andrew Mellon Foundation.

Image of logo for the University of New Mexico.