CNM Honors Program
Interested in joining the CNM Honors student club for pizza, book clubs, lectures, and concerts? You don’t have to have taken a course to join!
Please email CNM Honors Director Chris Prentice for more information.
The CNM Honors Program aims to provide education beyond the core curriculum. Our dedicated and experienced faculty design learning experiences in small, seminar-style environments so that you are able to connect with instructors and other students who are passionate about learning.
The CNM Honors Program boasts the following features:
- CNM Honors classes fulfill a core Humanities requirement for most degree programs and certificates.
- CNM Honors classes do not have prerequisites, GPA requirements, or other special requirements.
- Any student is able to register for CNM Honors classes, regardless of the topic.
- Instructors are passionate about their subject matter and are inspired to help students learn using innovative instructional methods.
- Experience faculty support on a more personal level, including one-on-one sessions.
- Learn how to list Honors classes on a resume and request letters of recommendation for continuing education professionally.
- Gain a credential to improve your career in academia; CNM Honors credits transfer to UNM Honors College.
Upcoming Honors Course Offerings
Fall 2024
Examine the history, present and future of AI through film, fiction, and journalism in order to try and make sense of this revolution as it happens in real time. Likely texts include the writings of Isaac Asimov and Ted Chiang, films including 2001, A Space Odyssey, and Her. Readings will draw from The New York Times, The New Yorker, Wired Magazine, and The Atlantic.
The course will be a real-time journey into the AI revolution, unpacking its impact on our world. Cyborgs are welcome (pending proper admission to CNM, of course).
Registration Information
Course Name: From Sci-Fi to Reality: The Rise of Artificial Intelligence
Course Prefix: HNRS 1120
Course Section: Section 101
CRN: 73591
Location: CNM Main Campus, MS203
Days: Tuesdays and Thursdays
Times: 10:30 a.m. - Noon