Bridgit Lujan at Castillo de Alburquerque in Badajoz, Spain

CNM Flamenco Instructor Conducts Prestigious Fulbright Research Program in Spain

Bridgit Lujan has been in Seville, Spain for the last nine months studying the origins and evolution of flamenco
August 08, 2023

When CNM flamenco instructor Bridgit Lujan found out she was recently selected for a Fulbright Postdoctoral Award to study the history of flamenco in Spain she was thrilled, to say the least.

“For the last nine months I’ve been living in the epicenter of flamenco,” she says. “To be surrounded by flamenco every day and go to any show, take a class, and truly pursue my research in some way every day was remarkable.”

The Fulbright Program is the United States’ foremost international educational and cultural program that provides students and university faculty members with the opportunity to study, teach, conduct research, and exchange ideas as a way to find solutions to various community and global problems.Bridgit Lujan dancing the flamenco

As a Fulbright Scholar, Bridgit lived in Seville, Spain where she learned about Spanish culture, shared American culture, and researched the history of flamenco.

“Many forms of dance developed because the lower class were imitating the upper class,” she explains. “The same goes for flamenco, and the main focus of my research was to pinpoint where and when this happened in flamenco’s history.”

Now that she’s back in Albuquerque, Bridgit will put the finishing touches on her flamenco research and start sharing her findings with colleagues, students, and the community. She is also excited to start teaching flamenco classes at CNM again.

“I always look forward to seeing my students, and I’m even more excited to share what I’ve learned with them,” she says. “I’m also excited to see my students leave my class knowing they’ve been successful in something that is likely outside of their comfort zone. When they leave feeling successful, it builds their confidence and self esteem, and that only helps them succeed in everything else they do moving forward.”

Want to add Flamenco to your Fall Term schedule? Sign-up today for DANC 1140 Flamenco I on Main Campus in Max Salazar Hall Room 201 every Monday and Wednesday from 4:30-5:45 p.m.