

The Biology program teaches the structure and function of the living world. Earn an Associate of Science and pursue work as an Environmental Science or Biological Technician, Medical Scientist, and more.

Degrees & Certificates

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Top Jobs With Biology Degree

Note: Some jobs require education or training beyond the CNM degree/certificate.

Program Information

In CNM's Biology program, you will have the opportunity to examine the structure and function of the living world. Our curriculum and instructors provide learning experiences that enable you to practice conducting introductory-level studies, analyzing the results, and presenting your findings.

We blend independent and collaborative work in both the classroom and laboratory so that you are better prepared for continued education at a four-year college or university. We also help you explore career opportunities and pathways in Biology and related fields from the American Institute of Biological Sciences.

Dedicated Biology Faculty 

Image of Sierra Netz

Sierra Netz has been teaching Biology at CNM for 10 years and is always looking for new ways to serve her students. That’s why she applied for and recently received the prestigious E. Kika De La Garza Fellowship. Sierra is ready to make the most of this opportunity and bring back a new world of possibilities to share with the CNM community. Learn more about Sierra's dedication to growth.