Modern Languages


The Modern Languages program teaches Spanish and American Sign Language (ASL) proficiency and understanding of culture. Earn an Associate of Arts or certificate and pursue work as a Translator, Tour Guide, and more.

Degrees & Certificates

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Top Modern Languages Jobs

Note: Some jobs require education or training beyond the CNM degree/certificate.

Program Information

A Spanish Language Certificate, or an Associate of Arts in Modern Languages with a concentration in Spanish, demonstrates to future employers that you have achieved both oral and written Spanish proficiency and have an understanding of Hispanic cultures. This knowledge is highly beneficial if you pursue international careers or work with Latino populations in the United States.

Our certificate or degree is useful in such diverse fields as the arts, media, entertainment industries, business, journalism, health services, tourism, government, social welfare, public administration, and public education.

Once you graduate from CNM, you can transfer your Modern Languages degree from CNM to a four-year university. Contact the School of Liberal Arts at (505) 224-3588 to learn more about your transfer options.

Spanish Placement Exam

In order to serve your needs and interests, we recognize previous language study and experience by offering a number of options to fulfill the Spanish coursework, such as the Heritage and Accelerated Tracks, as well as the Spanish Placement Exam.

The CNM Assessment Center's Spanish Placement Exam is a free test that will instantly determine what level of Spanish course you are ready to enroll in. Once you have taken the Spanish Placement Exam, you can receive from 4 - 14 credit hours for as little as $95 by taking the CLEP Spanish Exam, also offered through the Assessment Center.

Working as an Interpreter

Image of Evelyn Moreland

When Evelyn Moreland moved to the U.S. from Mexico she struggled to feel like she belonged. Now she’s found her place as a Spanish interpreter and is excited to use her skills in the medical field and other important areas. Read more about Evelyn's story today.