

The Psychology program studies mental, social, and biological processes related to typical and atypical behavior. Earn an Associate of Arts and pursue work as a Psychiatrist, Counselor, and more.

Degrees & Certificates

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Note: Some jobs require education or training beyond the CNM degree/certificate.

Program Information

In the CNM Psychology program, you will learn the nervous system function, human development, learning, memory, the role of the mind in physical health, and individual behavior in social contexts. 

Once you graduate from CNM, you can transfer your Psychology degree from CNM to a four-year university. Meet with an advisor to learn more about your transfer options.

Image of Shakkri Ortega-Jackson

Meet a CNM Psychology Student 

Shakkri Ortega-Jackson is studying Psychology at CNM so that she can help increase mental health awareness and support others through practices like writing, yoga, and dance. "I’ve always wanted to learn more about people and how our brains work, which is why I decided to study Psychology," she says. Read more about Shakkri's experience in the CNM Psychology program.