Nearly 2,000 High School Students Will Visit Main Campus on March 8 for College Day
CNM’s 2024 College Day event is set to be one of the biggest yet. This year nearly 2,000 local middle and high school students will visit CNM’s Main Campus on Friday, March 8 for a taste of the college experience.
“Thirty-three high schools and three middle schools registered to attend this year’s event and we couldn’t be more excited to show them everything CNM has to offer,” says Meredith Tucker, who runs the event and is part of CNM’s Outreach and Recruitment Services department.
The students will arrive at Main Campus around 9 a.m. and spend the day touring the campus, learning about CNM’s various degree and certificate programs, connecting with the CNM community, and testing out their skills in various hands-on activities like welding, CPR, and push-up contests.
They will also have the chance to learn about CNM resources such as Financial Aid, Student Activities, Wellness and more at the Student Resource Fair.
For Meredith, hosting this event is a great opportunity to showcase the benefits of attending a community college.
“This event is so important because it gives students the chance to see just how much CNM has to offer them after they graduate,” she says. “Going to college doesn’t have to only mean attending a traditional four-year institution, and I think hosting them here on campus is a great way to share that idea with them.”
More than a dozen food trucks will be parked on Main Campus in the Physical Plant Department (PPD) lot so the middle and high school students, as well as current CNM students, can refuel throughout the day. Attendees are also encouraged to check out the campus Starbucks and the CNM Bookstore.
More than anything, Meredith is looking forward to the energy and excitement these students bring to campus.
“I always enjoy College Day and we truly can’t wait for them to be here!” she says.
Please note that this event will impact several parking lots on Main Campus. The North H lot will be closed for pedestrian traffic, the H3 lot closed for bus parking, and the D2 will host the food trucks. Contact the Parking and Fleet Office at 505-224-4637 with any questions or concerns.