Fire Science


The Fire Science program teaches fire safety and fire prevention. Earn an Associate of Applied Science or certificate and pursue work as a Firefighter, Fire Inspector and Investigator, and more.

Degrees & Certificates

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Top Fire Science Degree Jobs

Note: Some jobs require education or training beyond the CNM degree/certificate.

Program Information

The fire service career field is expanding due to an emphasis on fire safety and fire prevention, creating a need for trained, skilled, and knowledgeable firefighters. The Fire Science program leads to an Associate of Applied Science Degree in Fire Science which will provide you with the educational background needed for employment in a fire service career.

Program information is available from Academic Advisement and Career Development at (505) 224-4321.

CNM Fire Academy Information 

Image of the RR Fire Training Structure

The Fire Science Program offers the CNM Fire Academy Certification through the traditional open-enrollment courses and a structured and demanding 18-week academy. CNM and the Fire Academy faculty have worked hard to develop strong relationships with fire departments across the state to better understand community needs. These partnerships in turn have helped CNM develop top-of-class curriculum and training protocols that not only meet national standards but also mirror the kind of training provided by fire departments. Read more about the new Fast Track Fire Academy today. 

If you are an agency that is interested in sponsoring a cadet through the 18-week academy, please email Innovative Programs Academic Affairs Director, Carla Love at [email protected]. 
