Crime Reporting
Report a Crime
Call (505) 224-3002 immediately if you observe or have been told about a crime.
Alcohol and Drug Prevention
Student Right to Know
Campus Security Authorities
The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, otherwise known as the Clery Act, is a federal law that requires CNM to disclose information about campus crime. This law applies to crimes that occur on CNM campuses, property owned or controlled by CNM, public property (thoroughfares, streets, sidewalks, and parking areas) within or immediately adjacent to campus, and non-campus locations at which approved college activities are taking place.
In order to maintain compliance with the Clery Act, CNM employees have an obligation to report any occurred, in progress, or suspected criminal activity on or involving CNM property. CNM encourages accurate and prompt reporting of all crimes to CNM Security for purposes of assessing the crime for distributing a potential timely warning notice and for disclosure in the annual crime statistics.
Contact the Security Department immediately at (505) 224-3002 if you observe or have reported to you any crime listed below:
- murder/non-negligent manslaughter
- negligent manslaughter
- sex offenses/sexual assault
- robbery
- aggravated assault
- burglary
- motor vehicle theft
- arson
- domestic/dating violence
- stalking
- liquor, drug, and weapons violations
In addition to the above crime categories, hate crimes for the following offenses must be reported:
- larceny/theft
- intimidation
- simple assault
- damage/destruction/vandalism of property
For reporting purposes, please assume that a hate crime is any crime proving that the victim was selected because of the victim’s actual or perceived race, religion, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, ethnicity/national origin, or disability.
If you are in doubt as to whether a crime is reportable, please err on the side of caution and report the incident. Please do not investigate the crime or attempt to determine whether a crime, in fact, took place—simply report the information. Crimes are to be reported regardless of whether the victim chooses to file a report with law enforcement or to press charges.
If you report an incident to the Dean of Students or another CNM department, it is imperative that the incident is also reported to the Security Department.
Thank you for your assistance in complying with this federal law. If you have any questions regarding reporting obligations, contact Liz Encinias at (505) 224-4000 x53432.